
Krishnan Unni Pillai

Krishnan Unni Pillai

About Krishnan Unni Pillai

ITI in Electronics( Main R&Tv Mech)Batchler in Commerce from Kerala University, Diploma in Electronics from Poly Technic Engineering College Palakkad, (Kerala Govt:)Joined in Telecom Jaint ITI Ltd, Palakkad in 1976 and gone through different project (switching equipments) ILT, C-Dot, E10B, Switel for diffence,OCB 283,SIM Card, and maintenace of different produiction equipments of above project. Trained in Alcatel France. Now in CDMA project Installation/ maintenance of MSC/BSC/BTS equipments.

Krishnan Unni Pillai ’s experience

Chief Manager I&C Division.   at   ITI Ltd (Telecom Manufacturing Company(Govt: of India) , Bangalore, INDIA
February 2005 – January 2009
Installation and commissioning of CDMA telecom equipments for
BSNL all over India in colloboration with ZTE Telecom China..Now
on deputation to Kerala Telecom Circle, camp Office at Cochin.
Asst. Exe. Engineer: Production in charge of E10 B, OCB 283,
SIM CARD Production .in ITI Ltd, Palakkad. In cvharge of
Maintenace of Production equipments, Power plant and allied
works.(10 to 15 year experience) Now in CDMA project camp office
at Cochin. Past 3 years experience at Jaipur, UP east and west,
Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. for BSNL project.
Product Manager/Project Manager/Manager/Supervisor/Team Leader  at   ITI Ltd, Palakkad, Bangalore , Bangalore, INDIA
February 2005 – January 2009
CARD Production .in ITI Ltd, Palakkad. In cvharge of Maintenace
of Production equipments, Power plant and allied works.(10 to 15
year experience) Now in CDMA project camp office at Cochin. Past
3 years experience at Jaipur, UP east and west, Himachal Pradesh
and Tamil Nadu. for BSNL project.

Krishnan Unni Pillai ’s education

Diploma In Electronics,
Diploma in Electronics. Govt; Poly technic.Kerala [1998/April] , Palakkad Kerala

Krishnan Unni Pillai ’s additional information

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