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Advice Request
Senthil Kumar R
Senthil Kumar R

Senthil Kumar R

Founder and CEO at TechnoChai

TechnoChai Online Solutions Pvt Ltd


Senthil Kumar R is a member of:

Problems coming in web development.
Convincing clients to use the modern technologies which will help them in the long run though it may look little costlier at the first.
Describe your Web Application?
Webbby is a social discovery and aggregation service which tries to bridge the gap between business & social networks. This will help users to promote their social profiles & branding activities easily and effectively. Webbby will enable users with better social promotion tools and apps.
Inspiration to Create
Every I try to use lot of online services from shopping to travel booking. Certain times I feel bad due to the poor speed and functional design.
Whenever I try to create a website I keep this in mind to avoid the pitfalls & enable users with a better user experience
Favorite Web development tools
I prefer plain notepad & macromedia dreamweaver for coding and Adobe Photoshop for design & UI.
Also I do use lots of papers.
I'm interested in learning mobile technologies & I want to learn embedded systems to create more day to day technology enabled devices like motorbike with social tracking for better speed and traffic control
Work in a different way
I'll try to start with mobile development & geo based services instead of web development.
Tell us about your skills?
As an entrepreneur I can understand the client's needs better than a normal web developer and it helps me to understand from the both side. So we can suggest best tools & cost effective solutions that will help their business.
After Few Years
We want to build a company that develops social devices for Indian market something like an iPad which created an entirely new market for tablets.
Admirable sites and books
I do visit major tech blogs & sites that covers business news like

Also I visit social networks like Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration
Your Achievement
1. Co-founded (2tion Online Services Pvt Ltd)
2. Founded & and few other social networks for web design & development communities
3. Able to learn everything from internet without having a technical background.
4. Working on another idea (Webbby).
Interview Tips
Skills matters than qualification and university brands
About Qualification
I dont have a formal technical degree.
I did my MMV (Vehicle Mechanic) course from a government institute after completing my schooling.
All my technical skills are self learnt (and learning)
I try to sleep less to get more time to work on projects & try to have shorter breaks between long work hours to refresh myself.
I never turn off my speakers that adds me energy 24/7
Success according to me
Anything that helps society to rectify an existing social problem with the knowledge we acquire and learn defines success.
I try to learn something new everyday & try to apply on the existing problems.
Leisure time
I love to watch movies & learn new languages.
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