
Nimish Bedi

Nimish Bedi
B.Tech/B.E. Electronics & Communication

About Nimish Bedi

I believe in state of thinklesness but hardly able 2 achieve!
Things just revolve here and there always and when they struck! they're done!
this is I am
Nothing more , nothin less!

Nimish Bedi ’s experience

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Nimish Bedi ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Electronics & Communication],
Institute of Engineering & Technology [August,2009] , Alwar, INDIA

Nimish Bedi ’s additional information

Getting information about new Technology Troubleshooting Computers Reading nonfiction novels and writing diary. Riding bicycle Travelling Listening songs  Cooking
Awards and achievements:
Volunteered in NSS for 10 days for the development of primary school and other infrastructure in a rural area(village).
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