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Ask Bhavin Sheth for Advice
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Advice Request
Bhavin Sheth
Bhavin Sheth

Bhavin Sheth

Director Engineering



Bhavin Sheth is a member of:

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I come from a family of businessmen. I have 2 sisters, one younger and one older. My mother is a homemaker whereas my father is a successful businessmen. I am married with two kids: one boy and one girl. My wife is a teacher in early childhood development but is currently a homemaker.
Job Profile:
Manage people and processes to deliver high quality software products aligned with Cisco's business priorities.
The responsibilities of the role include recruiting and mentoring top talent; defining, adapting and implementing best in class process; contributing to and facilitation of innovation
Plans For The Future:
I have never planned my career path. If the journey is fulfilling; destination is irrelevant. I focus on opportunities that feel right i.e. Cause I am passionate about and People I respect. In 2 years if I feel I gave my best and enjoyed it, I would have succeeded regardless of title or money.
Done Differently:
I would not change a thing. There are many who have made more money than I ever might or have gone farther in the corporate world than I ever might but I have no regrets. I would not trade the experiences and the relationships for any amount of money and/or titles.
Working Life Management:
Professionally, except for two brief periods, work was never burdensome since I believed strongly in what I did. Personally, I am blessed to have a supportive family that made the most of the time we had together. Belief in your work and a supportive family automatically results in work-life balance
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I feel uncomfortable discussing personal achievements in public and would like to skip this question.
Advice For New Professionals:
Chase dreams and not money or titles. Your career is a marathon and not a sprint. There is enough time to pace yourself without having to run helter-skelter from the start. Focus on finding the most suitable path to the finish line for yourself and not necessarily the quickest or shortest.
Career Profile:
Skipping this since the space allocated is limited to completely respond to the question.
Role Model:
I admire and am inspired by Warren Buffet, Narayan Murthy and Tatas for their integrity, simplicity, pursuit of excellence and commitment to social and charitable causes.
The Decisions That Matter
Decision to be part of initiatives being built from the ground up. The exposure to a broad set of responsibilities, need to adapt to changes constantly and working with a close knit group of talented and passionate individuals has been highly satisfying and extremely educational
Required Reading:
Mythical Man Month; Pragmatic Programmer: Journeyman to Master and The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People.
Growth Strategy:
There are several avenues available but first and foremost it requires constant and honest assessment (by self and others). Depending on the need, I have attended training, read books, sought advise from colleagues/friends/family etc. I seek to be better today than I was yesterday.
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