
Tanuj Poddar

Tanuj Poddar
Human Resource Professional
MBA/PGDM Personnel Management

About Tanuj Poddar

I have diverse interests which vary from web development to economics. I have completed my mba in HR now i look forward to develop a career shaping toward knowledge management.

I like connecting with and interacting with various professionals to know more about what they contribute to the world and how they make a difference. After all every person has something unique to offer :)

Tanuj Poddar ’s experience

Professional (e.g. Engg., IT Developer, Marketing Executive etc.)   at , Kolkata, INDIA
July 2007 – February 2008
Industry: Media/Dotcom/Entertainment
Functional area: IT Software- QA & Testing
Quality control of websites, Creating tutorials on carrying out
the back-office operations for the clients, Carrying out SEO
operations for the firm's website, adding content to website
before it is forwards for client approval, commenting on the
client queries on the websites.

Tanuj Poddar ’s education

MBA/PGDM [Personnel Management],
XISS [March,2010] , Ranchi, INDIA
B.Sc [Economics],
Bhawanipur Education Society College [May,2007] , Kolkata, INDIA

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