
Sreejith S

Sreejith S
Technical Officer

About Sreejith S

Educational Back Ground:
 MBA –HR & Marketing from University of Kerala
 B-Tech in Automobile Engineering from University of Kerala

Professional Experience:
Sreejith is having about 5 years of experience in public and private sectors in industries like Automobile, Manufacturing, Refrigeration & Airconditioning, Information Technology. He has got experience in various areas including teaching, production planning, resources planning , Marketing and incubation activities. He started his career as a trainee in an Automobile company and Hindustan Latex Ltd. He worked in organizations like Blue Star, ICICI prudential. Besides, he found himself engaged in teaching and started a Software Development firm named Pearl Solutions. He was successful in leading many projects in these organizations. Presently he is working as the Technical Officer of Technopark -TBI, where he is Co-ordinating and organizing the Business Incubation activities of T-TBI to its fulfillment. He played an active role in successfully organizing programmes like “Technopreneur 2008”, “TechTop 2008” and various workshops & training programs for the Engineering Students, Faculty and Innovators. He is playing an active role in the launching of Entrepreneurship Development Cells , in Technical Institutions all across the state with the support of Senior Officials of Technopark .He is proficient in Counselling Innovators in preparing Business Proposals, Guiding the prospective entrepreneurs and students, Business plan evaluation and other Business Development Activities. He is a member of National Institute of Personnel Mangement (NIPM) Trivandrum Chapter.

Sreejith S ’s experience

Technical Officer   at   Technopark Technology Business Incubator , Trivandrum, Kerala
Entrepreneurship Development

Sreejith S ’s education

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