
Raman Ramu Raman

Raman Ramu Raman

About Raman Ramu Raman

I am Raman doing my Final MCA at PGP college of Engg and Tech(Namakkal).I finished my Graduation(B.Sc.,CS)at MDT Hindu College(Tirunelveli)&completed my HSC and SSLC at Baren Bruke Hr.Sec. school(Tirunelveli).Currently I am doing my real time project at Mirth Technologies Pvt.Ltd(Chennai).My father Mr. M.Subbiah conductor (TNSTC)my mother Mrs.S.Thenmalar(HomeMaker)and one younger brother & sister.

Raman Ramu Raman ’s experience

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Raman Ramu Raman ’s education

PGP College Of Engineering and Technology [Currently,Studying] , Tamil Nadu

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