
Prasad Prabhakaran

Prasad Prabhakaran
Program Manager Symphony
IT-Software/Software Services

About Prasad Prabhakaran

Prasad, has 12 plu years of experience in IT services industry, started career in pre-sales, then moved into delivery roles like PL, PM. In his last stint with Mahindra Satyam, managed multimillion dollar accounts of GE, Cisco, Coke in delivery roles. His first exposure towards agile was from Microsoft, from then onwards he did solutioning, coaching, consulting, teaching on agile and its flavors.

Prasad Prabhakaran ’s experience

Manger Agile SO   at   Mahindra Satyam , Hyderabad, INDIA
September 2005 – October 2009
Industry: IT-Software/Software Services
Functional area: IT Software- Systems / EDP / MIS

Prasad Prabhakaran ’s education

RV College of Engineering [June,2000] , Bangalore, INDIA

Prasad Prabhakaran ’s additional information

He is part of professional bodies like IEEE, ACM, Agile Alliance, Scrum Practitioners. He is a vivid googler and blogger most of the free time he get hooked to social engineering networks like linkedin, twiteer, orkut or writing on his blog.
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