
Pramod Raichurkar

Pramod Raichurkar
BTECH M... PhD Textile Technology

About Pramod Raichurkar

Prof Dr PPRaichurkar I have 28 years of experience in Industry/Research/ Education /Training /consultancy in Textile Industry Management. My specialisation is silk and cotton textiles. Worked in cluster development programme

Pramod Raichurkar ’s experience

PRINCIPAL CTF MPSTME SVKsityM'S NMIMS Univer   at   Centre Textile Functions , SHIRPUR
Principal Textile Industry quality management training and

Pramod Raichurkar ’s education

BTECH M TECH [PhD Textile Technology],
GSKSJTI [1996/September] , Bangalore

Pramod Raichurkar ’s additional information

I am interested in developing a net work of peolple to work for the cluster development programme for producing natural fibre fabric and garments for Indian domestic market . I want to develop as a brand from India . India has rich culture of handloom and handicraft Industry can produce new product
Awards and achievements:
A new innovation in fabric handle measurement. Silk crepe fabric manufacturing technology was optimised developed for improvement in quality. Developed a new concept and fabricated new instrument to measure fabric handle
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