
Rakesh Manger

Rakesh Manger
Graphic Designer
B.Com. B.Com

Rakesh Manger ’s experience

Sr. Graphic Designer   at   Diamond Digital Solution Pvt. Ltd. , Ahmedabad
To take end-to-end ownership of the product line, identify market
requirements, define the product vision, create preliminary
design concepts and drive the implementation of the overall
product roadmap. - Deployment, Strategy and Execution of
the Product. - Identify market requirements, Define product
brand vision, Co-ordinate brand launches. - Implement
overall product roadmap and product enhancement. - Work
closely with the Engineering team, User design, operations and
other functional domain. - Manage product lifecycle from
concept to deployment to End-of-Life including flow charts,
features, scripting, etc. - Product strategy and
development plan. And any kind of printing project also
handling. - Responsible for Budget/costing with regard to
Products. - Relevant experience includes performing
competitive analysis, understanding and defining business
strategy, and researching user needs.

Rakesh Manger ’s education

B.Com. [B.Com],
Gujarat University [1988/June] , Ahmedabad

Rakesh Manger ’s additional information

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