
Nayan Rathi

Nayan Rathi
B.Tech/B.E. be

About Nayan Rathi

hey myself nayan rathi nick name ram rathi.I completed my 10th and 12th class exams ftom my hometown mahidpur and at present i am in ujjain in mit college doing be and my first year started from year 2010 and my degree will take 4 years to complete.i am at present in ved nagar in ujjain and having a hostle life.................enough information i provided u............

Nayan Rathi ’s experience

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Nayan Rathi ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [be],
mahakal institute of technology ujjain [Currently,Studying] , Ujjain, INDIA
government school mahidpur [April,2010] , Ujjain, INDIA
saraswati school mahidpur [April,2008] , Ujjain, INDIA

Nayan Rathi ’s additional information

i am interested in playing chess and cricket mainly and secondly hobby my hobby is reading,help someone,spend time with my friend and tease some girls like sherya...........................bahanji
Awards and achievements:
i am currently awarded by our chief minister sir shri shivraj singh ji chouhan at bhopal and the date was 10th of november 2010 and he awarded 1100 students rupees 25000/- and i was one of them...........and at school level i also got many prizes.......
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