
Gautam Mukherji

Gautam Mukherji

About Gautam Mukherji

Currently working as Director, Aspires Consulting and Business Solutions. Over 36 years of in-depth experience in all aspects of HR Management and Development, in a multi unit organisaton covering a broad spectrum of activities in a large public sector organisation. Wide ranging expertise in recruitment, manpower planning, deploymentand management of a large workforce, Performance Management, automating employee data, adapting diverse cultures and implementing best practices in HR, crisis management, Company turn around and maintaining harmonious Industrial Relations climate. Well conversant with developing and implementing progressive HR policies, systems, creating and leading effective team to drive results.

Gautam Mukherji ’s experience

Director   at   Aspires Consulting & Business Solutions , Kolkata, INDIA
January 2010 – Currently Working
Industry: Other
Functional area: HR Outsourcing
Spearheading HRO business across all industries looking for long
term partnership to manage their HR administration for deriving
competitive advantage and increased shareholder value. ACBS
provide a wide range of services on site or off site and work in
partnership with their clients, facilitating them, to focus on
their core competencies and strategic areas.

Gautam Mukherji ’s education

M.A [IR],
Patna University [June,1972] , Patna, INDIA

Gautam Mukherji ’s additional information

Photography, Multimedia, Western Classical music
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