
Surabhi Singhal

Surabhi Singhal
Softare engineer in Mainframes
B.Tech/B.E. Chemical Engg

About Surabhi Singhal

I was with IBM, Bangalore for last 3.5 years. Currently looking for job opportunities in NCR region.

Surabhi Singhal ’s experience

Software Developer   at   IBM India , Noida, INDIA
July 2006 – April 2010
Industry: Telcom/ISP
Functional area: IT Software - Mainframe
I was responsible for analyzing the requirement, doing effort
assessment, developing the code, doing testing and then
deployment. I was also responsible for production support on a
rotation basis.

Surabhi Singhal ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Chemical Engg],
H.B.T.I. Kanpur [June,2006] , Kanpur, INDIA
XII [Maths],
G.G.I.C. Hamirpur [June,2000] , Hamirpur, INDIA

Surabhi Singhal ’s additional information

reading novels, dancing, watching movies
Awards and achievements:
Bravo award (best of IBM)in current organization. Thank you award in current organization. Award for cultural event participation in current Organization Completed two Db2 certifications. Was always awarded scholarship during Engineering years. Got AIR 141 in GATE 2005.
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