
Saikat Chakrabarty

Saikat Chakrabarty
B.Tech/B.E. Computer Science

About Saikat Chakrabarty

I want to explore a challenging position in the industry as a fulltime software professional and use my technical knowledge and quick-learning ability to excel in my field. I do my work with much responsibility, passion and perfection. I am a worthy team-man and also a good leader.

Saikat Chakrabarty ’s experience

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Saikat Chakrabarty ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Computer Science],
Calcutta Institute of Engineering & Management Kolkata [Currently,Studying] , Kolkata,West Bengal

Saikat Chakrabarty ’s additional information

Scouting, sports, acting, newspaper-articles collection, computer-gaming and net-surfing.
Awards and achievements:
Received Rashtrapati Puraskar and Rajya Puraskar (Governor’s award) in scouting. Been champion in National Competition of Scouts representing West Bengal, as the team-leader. Been the Head of Core Committee of the college Students’ Committee.
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