
Ranjith Narasimhaiah

Ranjith Narasimhaiah
Engg at Reliance communication
BE Electrical & Electronics Engi...

Ranjith Narasimhaiah ’s experience

Planning Engineer   at   Reliance Communication , Bangalore
My work plays an important role in co-coordinating the management
of all resources like men, materials, services from vendor etc.
It involves the Performance monitoring of maintenance point
activities through SAP PP module. Communication & escalation
matrices for steady state operations Effective operations through
system (SAP R/3 4.6) governed materials & contracts management .
Familarise circle planners / field personnel before / during
audits on the requirements of ISO as well amend the procedures /
formats in line with changes in the operating system /
parameters.Escalation of data transfer failures to appropriate
authorities Interacting with suppliers (if necessary) and users
for the system performance. Resolution of Site Query / NNOC Query
/ SAP Query / Clarity Query , Familarisation with planning
functions with a view to conduct training for colleagues /

Ranjith Narasimhaiah ’s education

BE [Electrical & Electronics En...],
Siddaganga Institute of technology [2006/July] , Tumkur

Ranjith Narasimhaiah ’s additional information

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