
Deepak Panjikar

Deepak Panjikar
Software Eng.

Deepak Panjikar ’s experience

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Deepak Panjikar ’s education

RVCE, Bangalore [August,2008] , Bangalore, INDIA
B.Sc [Mathematics],
Marwari College, Bhagalpur [December,2003] , Bahgalpur, INDIA
XII [Mathematics],
S.S.P.S. College, Shambhuganj [June,1999] , Banka, INDIA
X [Mathematics],
D.P.M. High School, Karhariya [May,1997] , Munger, INDIA

Deepak Panjikar ’s additional information

New Technologies, Making Friend, Reading Books( e.g., Power of subconcious mind, Think & grow rich, Magic of thinking big,...)
Awards and achievements:
Spot Award winner at Honeywell Tech. solution Lab, Bangalore. Software Automation in Model Driven Development Tool at Honewell. 93 percentile in NITAT-08. 11th Rank in K-MAT-05.
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