
Manoj Bhangare

Manoj Bhangare
Market Research Analyst
MBA/PGDM Marketing
Pharma/Biotech/Clinical Research

Manoj Bhangare ’s experience

Market Research Analyst   at   Ocimum biosolutions , Hyderabad, INDIA
June 2008 – Currently Working
Industry: Pharma/Biotech/Clinical Research
Functional area: Marketing / Advertising / MR / PR
* Assist in strategic planning initiatives * Primary and
secondary market research in life sciences/pharma/biotech
industry * Facilitate market study & competitor analysis *
market research and analysis * identify new market
opportunities and market research reports * Account planning &
SFDC Management * online positioning through discussion Forums,
press releases, and Blogs * Generate and engage leads & suspects
consultatively through e-mail and telephone

Manoj Bhangare ’s education

MBA/PGDM [Marketing],
University of pune [May,2008] , Pune, INDIA
M.Sc [Bioinformatics],
University of pune [May,2006] , Pune, INDIA
B.Sc [Agriculture],
College of agriculture,pune [April,2003] , Pune, INDIA

Manoj Bhangare ’s additional information

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