
Ani Rudh Garg

Ani Rudh Garg
masters... marketing

About Ani Rudh Garg

Actively engaged in social media marketing. Prof Anirudh Garg, Astt Prof., Management Education, Rajasthan, India: Has been in diverse areas of Education & Training, a facilitator of developmental portfolios needing patience, requiring special type of mentoring. A university merit scholarship holder UG/PG levels management from Kurukukshetra/ Phd to complete now 2012 university of rajasthan Jaipur

Ani Rudh Garg ’s experience

Head/ VP/ GM-Training And Development   at   sobhasaria engineering college , Sikar, INDIA
July 2007 – March 2012
Industry: Education/Teaching/Training
Functional area: Top Management
faculty dean management department MBA degree R T U kota
rajasthan ex pau Kurukshetra university Kendriya Vidyalaya
andrews ganj new delhi college of agriculture alumni safidon
haryana Son Madhur is enjoying his present responsibilities
as Health Economist Developing/implementing reimbursement
communication plans and preparation of submissions to
payers. Managing vendors to develop health economics
models. This young HE Masters Global Health from,
BASLP, GGSIP Univ, MHA (to complete)

Ani Rudh Garg ’s education

masters business administration [marketing],
department of management [1982/July] , kurukshetra university

Ani Rudh Garg ’s additional information

Anzu Garg Ex St Kabir Ahmedabad, Anand Niketan Ahmedabad, Nimawat Public School, Fatehpur, Rajasthan, Vidya Bharti Rohini Delhi, DAV bahadurgarh Haryana, GDML patwari Womens' PG College Srimadhopur Specialties of Prof Anirudh Garg :Branding management institutes, agri business start up for MNC,
Awards and achievements:
Added to sales network leading to new market penetration at low costs. Developed markets of products & services. Conducted training of the staff including recruitment. Achieved long term staffing, product development & performance in terms of increased sales, dealer network. MBA
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