
Bhola Kumar Maskey

Bhola Kumar Maskey
M.E in... Radio Electronics and Communi...

Bhola Kumar Maskey ’s experience

Dy-Engineering Director   at   Makalu AIR PVT.LTD , Kathmandu, Nepal
March 2010 – Currently Working
Industry: Other
Functional area: Production / Maintenance / Quality
Issue required certificates concerning the airworthiness of
aircraft, aircraft components and aircraft system within the
scope of the categories for which it is rated, as
follows: • Certify a maintenance release or a certificate of
fitness for flight in accordance with Nepal Civil Aviation
Requirement. • Issue a certificate of compliance after minor
maintenance. - Assist in formulating operational objectives,
strategies, policies, plan and

of Engineering department. -Ensure that the aircraft maintenance
schedule is optimal to maintain the fleet in airworthy
condition. -Plan and execute phasing of aircraft maintenance
activities for economical manpower utilization and optimum
aircraft availability for flying. -Assist in developing,
improving and implementing systems, manuals, processes,
procedures and programs in quality assurance in enhancing the
airworthiness level of aircraft fleet. -Assist in quality
assurance tasks for ascertaining fulfillment of Airworthiness,
Requirements as per Manuals, Rules and Regulation of Civil
Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN), NCAR and of the
company. -Assist in quality Audit/Inspection system and
recommendation of appropriate and timely corrective measures in
accordance with CAAN and company rules and regulation, if
necessary, implementing them. -Coordinate with
concerned departments and divisions and quality as for
engineering activities, material consumption and others. -Assist
in maintaining information, documents, records on engineering
activities, material consumption and others. -Assist in
preparation of proposals/suggestions for enhancing effectiveness
and efficiency of engineering activities for smooth departmental
operation. -Undertaking tasks/activities relating to engineering
as assigned by the Engineering Manager

Bhola Kumar Maskey ’s education

M.E in Aeronautical Engineering [Radio Electronics and Commu...],
The Kiev International University of Civil Aviation [July,1998] , Kiev, Ukraine
XII [Science,Physics& Maths],
Amrit Science Campus [July,1992] , Kathmandu, Nepal

Bhola Kumar Maskey ’s additional information

I've a various interest not specific one most of the i share my time working, travelling different places, trekking, watching important matchs of EPL or Euro title matchs of football,hanging around with mates,playing ln tennis & Baskebl, familarising with new technology and walking on the sea beach
Awards and achievements:
R covering TU- 154 (B) & (M) E, I & R covering DHC Series E, I & R covering DO-228 Series Authorization Held : Ground Instructor of D0-228 Series on the Electrical, Instrument & Radio is approved by Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal -General Secretary of Nepal Aircraft Maintenance Engineers’ Association Nepal. -Life member of Nepal Engineers’ Association Nepal.
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