
Aryan Shrivastava

Aryan Shrivastava
Area Manager
MBA/PGDM Marketing & Finance

About Aryan Shrivastava

I am dedicated for the people who believe in smiling, no matter what the circumstances are. The past, present or future, none of it can stop them from smiling, they love to smile and make people smile, they do not do it for humanity, though it’s in their nature.

So if you are the person who loves to smile, then this is the right place for you!

Aryan Shrivastava ’s experience

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Aryan Shrivastava ’s education

MBA/PGDM [Marketing & Finance],
Allahabad University [Currently,Studying] , Lucknow, INDIA
B.B.A [Marketing],
Gyan Institute of Mgt & Technology [Currently,Studying] , Lucknow, INDIA

Aryan Shrivastava ’s additional information

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