
Priyanka Mahindra

Priyanka  Mahindra
Asst Manager-learning & devel...

Priyanka Mahindra ’s experience

AM- Learning & Development   at   Countrywide Financials , Hyderabad
Conduct TNI across the Department and conduct relevant Training
Programs to resolve floor issues. - Manage the development,
design, and delivery of training. - Assign, coach, follow-up,
and review progress of individual trainers. - Assess divisional
training needs via communications with Business Units. - Prepare
trainers for all aspects of course delivery, observe, coach and
counsel training staff on all aspects of course delivery and
design, Including style, technique, and contents of
material. - Facilitate/Deliver training classes. - Conduct
performance evaluation sessions with team members. - Prepare
management reports, business plan, and present to senior
management. - Conduct effective Train-the-Trainer programmes and
induct new trainers into the system in an effective
way. - Identify trainer strengths and build on them and identify
trainer areas of improvement and provide a concrete work plan for
improvement. - Ensure optimum utilization of training resources
with in the organization. - Ensure that there is constant
development of modules across processes. - Liaison with
Operations to ensure there is adequate and effective training
support provided - Conform to company and client security
requirements. - Consistently achieve or exceed quality and
training targets. - Report accurate statistics.

Priyanka Mahindra ’s education

BA (Honrs) in Hospitality Manage,
IIHM [2002/April] , Aurangabad

Priyanka Mahindra ’s additional information

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