
Harish Vyas

Harish Vyas

Harish Vyas ’s experience

Sr. Terminal Manager   at   Kesar Enterprises Ltd , KANDLA GUJARAT
I am working in one of the large bulk liquid storage terminal
situated at kandla. Hear we are storing various types of
hazardous flammable chemical and oil which are imported by
various industries. I have 17 year exprience in this field. we
have various types of opeations like to take the chemicals from
ships to storage tank or tranfer of chemicals rom one storage
tank to another atorage tank . various chemical coming through
tank lorries which unloaded to storage tank then it will export
to the ship desigted by party. It involves customs formalaties
and others.

Harish Vyas ’s education

MSc organic chemistry,

Harish Vyas ’s additional information

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