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Pawan Kumar Sinnurkar
Pawan Kumar Sinnurkar

Pawan Kumar Sinnurkar

Assistant Manager - Information Security


Goals and Ambitions
To be SME in Information Security Risk Management
Challenges faced in job
Each job / organization have their own set of variables. The challenge as a Information Security Risk professional is to first of all understand / identify these variables. Classify them into known buckets of problems & then device solutions / remediation appropriately. What I learn in my previous roles some how has helped me arrive to solutions / ideas for problems in my current role. What problems I am working on currently will help me in one way or the other in my future roles. My philosophy is - " Anything we learn will not go for a waste". It can be used in some way or the other in anythng we do.
My achievement
As a Information Security Risk professional attaining the CISSP was a satisfying experience. Not just receiving the certification but also the time spent on preparing for the examination has been very rewarding. The examination itself has been another very good experience.
Books recommended
Well a difficult question to answer :-)! In my line of work I have quickly realized that the more things we know the more effective we will be. Be it simple concepts or complex scenarios anything & everything we have learn will be valuable & useful to fix problems / scenarios.
Once could start up with basic networking / systems administration & then get to other things like malware, newtork security, & so on..
Current Trends
Certainly Cloud Computing & Virtualization. Although they go together hand in hand most of the times both of them are amazing technologies. The other thing is the focus os security from our perimeter to our data :-)as well as need for a good identity & access management solutions for large enterprises.
Being different
Well an engineer [qualified ones :-)] is always an engineer no matter which level they go. I have seen people in my field from various backgrounds but people from an engineer background always have the advantage somehow :-)!
My way of working is different from others is the way I look at problems.
Making job easier
Certainly the work experience I have so far is the most important thing that has helped me. But I do recall when I just entered the industry as a support engineer I had a lot of things to learn. But the basics I had accumulated during my college study helped me to pick up faster :-)! But most importantly my mentors whom I worked in my first job - they were amazing people both technical & managerial!
My strongest Skill
Ability to understand the context of a given problem quickly & going deep into the issues.
My role model
I do not have a single role model; however there are people whom I have been with in my life who have inspired me. Be it a engineering college friend or an old colleague I have had the privilege to be with some great people. Exceptionally skilled, highly focused & of course highly knowledgeable about things that we work on.
Family Background
I am the fourth kid of my parents & all my three brothers are engineers :-)! Spent most of my time in Bangalore.
My important career decision
Well pursuing CISSP has been the most important thing so far. Even I had spent sometime working in Information Security field the decision to take up CISSP has been highly satisfactory & rewarding
Company and job profile
Hi, I am Information Security Risk Management professional having around 8 years industry exp. I am CISSP & CISA certified.
Currently work at a large financial institution as part of the internal risk team focusing on Information Security
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
Well a tricky question again :-)! I have has the privilege of being associated with a security product company as part of my role. Well although there were certain products that were completely developed from here but majority of them were from other offices outside India. I think we have started on that path & I see a lot of activity happening not just in IT but other fields & hope this scenario will change soon.
Managing professional as well as personal life
This is always a tough task. There were times when I have issues where in professional life suffered due to personal emergencies but have been somehow able to manage both of them so far. I have been trying to be more objective on the goals that I set professionally. Certainly the large shift happened after marriage :-)!
My advice
Look for the field as a long term career path & not just a job which gives you a good salary
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