
Nitin Bihani

Nitin Bihani
Pre-sales - Strategic Sourcing
MBA/PGDM Marketing

About Nitin Bihani

MBA(marketing), B.E(Mechanical) with 18 months of experience in the area of pre-sales, business planning, business development and technology marketing.

Nitin Bihani ’s experience

Analyst   at   Tata Consultancy Services , Mumbai
Innovation leverager, Pre-sales, Technology marketing and
branding, sales support.

Nitin Bihani ’s education

MBA/PGDM [Marketing],
IMDR [April,2007] , Pune, INDIA
B.Tech/B.E. [Mechanical],
Nagpur University [May,2004] , Nagpur, INDIA

Nitin Bihani ’s additional information

Startegy books, analysing business, playing table tennis, cricket, music, tracking the share market.
Awards and achievements:
Synergy award from TCS for collaboration Best player award for the annual crickek tournament during graduation. Organiser of the annual social gathering event during graduation and post graduation.
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