
Ankush Asthana

Ankush Asthana
B.Tech/B.E. Computer Science and Engineering
IT-Software/Software Services

About Ankush Asthana

I believe in smart work.
I have a Desire to utilize my skills for the growth & nourishment of my organisation,
leading it to apex by working with committed & dedicated people.

Ankush Asthana ’s experience

Software Developer   at   Accenture , Bangalore, INDIA
December 2009 – Currently Working
Industry: IT-Software/Software Services
Functional area: IT Sw- Application Programming / Maintenance
1. Creating DLD and Unit test plan for a implementing
functionality by using HLD. 2. Developing the web pages using
C#. 3. Developing the WCF Services. 4. Executing the Unit test

Ankush Asthana ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Computer Science and Engine...],
CMS [June,2005] , Lucknow, INDIA
X [PCM],
CMS [June,2003] , Lucknow, INDIA

Ankush Asthana ’s additional information

Microsoft WCF 3.5 C# SQL Server
Awards and achievements:
Won Silver Medal at 4th IWYMIC. 10th position in the Regional Mathematics Olympiad. Won 3rd position in 1st IYMC in both Individual activity and Team activity. Won 3rd prize at UTKARSH-2008 for Web designing. MAN OF THE SERIES in a Cricket Tournament. Qualified first round of TGMC competition.
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