
Neela Chitre

Neela Chitre
B.Com/M.C... Commerce

About Neela Chitre

Worked as a Clerk in an Eng. Med. School, named Vidya Niketan (Tata Motors School) for 22 years handling entire administration, Financial and legal matters. Worked as Personnel Officer for One Year in Niramaya Hospital, Chinchwad. Worked as Faculty Coordinator for 18 months in ICTM, Balaji Society. and Worked as a Academic Coordinator for one year in IIeBM., was handling entire Academic Dept with a teacm for 5 people under me

Neela Chitre ’s experience

Academic Coordinator   at   IIeBM , Wakad
To look after & to do Administration of entire Academic

Neela Chitre ’s education

B.Com/M.Com./ LLB [Commerce],
Modern School / Modern College, PUne [2006/January] , Pune

Neela Chitre ’s additional information

like to read marathi literature, like to write marathi poems. to watch TV Serials and all marathi programmes is by hobby. I have completed the Course in Yoga and Reiki
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