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Advice Request
Suri Babu Komakula
Suri Babu Komakula

Suri Babu Komakula

Retired Educational Officer

Office of the Commissioner & Directorate of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hydeabad

Blogs (1)

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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I came from a poor weavers community. My father is not a literate. However, I am having interest in Education. I,myself, by virtue of my interest and enthusiam, acquired Degree in Arts, Education, Masters Degreee in Pol. Sc., and Education. I also acquired Executive MBA after my retirement.
Working Life Management:
I am a workholic. I gave importance to the work as well as to my life. I do not come across any inconvenience im managing my work life balance.
Required Reading:
I suggest some important Books on Eduction and Journals in Educational Management for upcoming professionals. I recommend the websites, "", "" and "".
Done Differently:
I would be able to tackle all administrative and academic issues perfectly and accurately.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
There is significant developments in the professional environment from the time I joined. Many technological developments taken place and professionals are having access to the work environment easily rather than facing any difficulty situation due to wide spread development of Communication system
Degrees That Matter:
Other Thoughts:
I am a retired Gazetted Officer of School Education Department, having excellent administrative and communication skills, besides educational experience in dealing with personnel matters of members of staff, legal cases, disc. cases, and mis-appropriation case, enquiries and Investigations
Prized Accomplishment(s):
While I am in Government service,I was proud to announce that I have tackled so many legal cases on behalf of the Government.
Career Profile:
All administrative and academic activities in running the Educational Institution. My previous profile is that I worked as an Asst. Director of School Education, Hyderabad dealing with all matters pertaining to teaching and non-teaching staff members, and making correspondence and drafting.
The Journey So Far:
I have not so far entered the Corporate world. Just now I am working with an Engineering College with Corporate outlook.
Growth Strategy:
I am having enthusiam and curiosity to develop knolwedge and generate new ideas and concepts in the field of Educational Administration, Management, Human Resource Management and Teacher Education.
Plans For The Future:
I am now confident that I am developed as a skilled personality when compared to my past.
The Decisions That Matter
After my retirement from Government service, I want to continue my career by enriching my skills further by obtaining an MBA degree. By virtue of qualifications and experience, I have been selected to the post of Admn.Officer in an Engineering College.
Advice For New Professionals:
My sincere advice for professions entering the workforce today is that they should work hard to gain knowledge and experience, besides acquiring soft skills, and developing professional values and culture. Professionals should maintain decency and decorum in dealing with all kinds of duties.
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