
Debajit Kalita

Debajit Kalita
MBA/PGDM Marketing

About Debajit Kalita

I am an extrovert who interacts well with people. I like to set myself goals and I am very persistent. I am also very sincere, ambitious, self-motivated and a quick learner. I love listening to music, travelling, making new friends, and trying out new types of cuisines.

Debajit Kalita ’s experience

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Debajit Kalita ’s education

MBA/PGDM [Marketing],
Sinhgad Business School, Pune [Currently,Studying] , Pune, INDIA
B.Tech/B.E. [Electronics and Telecommunication],
Bapurao Deshmukh College of Engineering [June,2007] , Wardha, INDIA
XII [Science],
Swadeshi Academy jr.College [June,2002] , Guwahati, INDIA
South Point English School [June,2002] , Guwahati

Debajit Kalita ’s additional information

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