
Anupama Venugopal

Anupama Venugopal
B.Tech/B.E. Electronics & telecommunication

About Anupama Venugopal

Engineering graduate from pune university looking jobs in software testing.

Anupama Venugopal ’s experience

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Anupama Venugopal ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Electronics & telecommunica...],
SRES college of engineering,pune university [August,2009] , Pune, INDIA

Anupama Venugopal ’s additional information

knowledge on automation tools amd manual testing. Done a course on embedded systems and desingns. Done a course in software testing course from pune Have knowledge of RTOS fundamentals & programming, Operating system fundamentals (using Linux).
Awards and achievements:
1st in G.D organized by EESA, 4th in paper presentation Organized by IEEE. 1st in MAD-ADS organized by EESA. Participated in Paper Presentation Organized by IEEE. Participated in students awareness programme organized by IEEE on the topic INTERNET.
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