
Shrikant Kapdia

Shrikant Kapdia
B.Tech/B.E. Computer Engineering

About Shrikant Kapdia

I am in B.E Computer Engg,final year at VESIT,mumbai.I am interested in software development in any domains.Web designing,system programing and DBMS are of my liking.I am working on "Development and porting of an OS for Smartcard" as my BE project.
Other than this i hv undertaken few mini-projects like:-
1)TranSmart-a banking application in Java
2)Society tax calculator in Sql(only backend)

Shrikant Kapdia ’s experience

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Shrikant Kapdia ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Computer Engineering],

Shrikant Kapdia ’s additional information

Learning Advanced Java-Struts,eclipse,Ajax,etc Learning industrial used software tools and IDE's and similar new technologies. Interested in having management training. PC gaming web designing
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