
Ketan Jitendra Vora

Ketan Jitendra Vora
General Manager Finance
Education C.A.

About Ketan Jitendra Vora

I can handle any function/ situation with ease. I always try to learn more things and further strive hard to train my sub-ordinates so that there is a vlaue-addition to the organisation. I have worked in India and overseas and thus have cross-cultural experience which is extremely helpful. I am strong motivational person and usually has a good bonding with everyone. Able to maintain relationships

Ketan Jitendra Vora ’s experience

General Manager (Finance)   at   Samruddha Resources Ltd. , Mumbai
Looking after finance,IPO, funds raising(Private equity/IPO etc.)
general admin. etc

Ketan Jitendra Vora ’s education [C.A.],
R.A.Podar College of Commerce & Economics [1987/November] , Mumbai

Ketan Jitendra Vora ’s additional information

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