
Saravanakumar Muthukrishnan

Saravanakumar Muthukrishnan
Abstractor at Marlabs
Bachelors Business Administration

About Saravanakumar Muthukrishnan

Have been associated with 3 types of industries viz, KPO, BPO, and software education institution. Been effective as a Stragetic Business manager with SSIL in Neyveli with expertise in areas of Marketing, and Center Management, a Medical Language Specialist with Spheris India Private Limited with expertise in areas of QA/QC(Healthcare BPO), and to the latest as an Abstractor with Marlabs Software Private Limited with expertise in areas of medicolegal transcripts

Saravanakumar Muthukrishnan ’s experience

Abstractor   at   Marlabs Software Private Limited , Bangalore
Abstraction of medicolegal transcripts

Saravanakumar Muthukrishnan ’s education

Bachelors [Business Administration],
The Madras University [May,1997] , Cuddalore, INDIA
MBA/PGDM [Information technology],
Annamalai University [Currently,Studying] , Chidambaram, INDIA

Saravanakumar Muthukrishnan ’s additional information

Treking, biking, any outdoor/indoor sports, and management training are my interests
Awards and achievements:
Have achieved awards like Executive Medical Transcriptionist and Senior Medical Transcriptionist which are well renowned in the healthcare BPO industry
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