
Ambika Kapoor

Ambika Kapoor
Self Employed

About Ambika Kapoor

Who Am I? Recruiter

A motivated professional with 8 years experience in the versatile fields of Process management and service operations along with language usage. A clear thinker with strong interpersonal, written & verbal communication skills with the ability to influence decision making at all levels. An effective Manager with in-depth knowledge to handle the client’s requirements and to execute them. To meet the dead lines as well as the end deliverables._______________________________

Ambika Kapoor ’s experience

Associate Manager   at   Symphony Marketing Solution , Bangalore, INDIA
September 2007 – June 2008
Industry: BPO/ITES/CRM/Transcription
Functional area: ITES / BPO / KPO / Customer Service / Operations
Role:  Overseeing various operations encompassing Transition
Operations, Client Servicing, Team Management, Project Management
etc.  Managing the Control functions viz. entitlement
reviews, proofing & maintaining appropriate deviation for the
unit.  Conducting timely skip level Reviews & maintaining
proper documentation. Attainments:  Ensured continuous
improvements in service levels by benchmarking the best
practices.  Efficiently prepared monthly reports and analyzed
the reasons for deviations
Product Manager/Project Manager/Manager/Supervisor/Team Leader  at   Wuerth Elektronik Pvt.Ltd , Bangalore, INDIA
August 2006 – September 2007
Role  Executing all customer support & training activities
in organisation for ensuring smooth operations.  Coordinating
for the Training & Qualifications activities & Customer
Clarifications.  Providing German Language support to the
team for clarifications for the jobs  Corresponding with the
customer through Telephone & Mail to get clarifications 7 obtain
approvals.  Assessing requirements and imparting need based
trainings for up gradations requirement for existing
team.  Working Knowledge of Oracle DRC, Genesis & ELO
software. Title: Complete Migration for Customer
clarifications Role: Providing clarifications to customers for
on-going Project
Junior Manager  at  Macmillan India Ltd. , Bangalore, INDIA
June 2006 – August 2006
Role:  Undertaking all operations for proof reading for the
articles written in Journal.  Performing compilation of the
entire issue of the particular Journal  Checking the Sample
journal Layout for identifying and rectifying
mistakes.  Layout d Leadership- People &
Management  Maintaining proper documentation, actioning and
following up on warnings  Identifying performance concerns
and assisting in strengthening weak points
Senior Process Expert  at  Robert Bosch India , Bangalore, INDIA
April 2005 – April 2006
Role:  Spearheading a wide spectrum of functions entailing
Accounts Payable project transition, process management, CRM, Man
management, etc.  Undertaking all activities as on Site
translator & Interpreter for in depth knowledge of A/p Process
 Performing documentation of Accounts Payable Process in
German and English for sign off from DS-Fin (Robert Bosch GMBH).
 Successfully transitioned Customer Service of DS-Fin -
Vendor and In house calls.  Devising and orchestrating
training to processors on Accounts Payable process

Ambika Kapoor ’s education

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Ambika Kapoor ’s additional information

2000 Study Trip to Germany and Switzerland under University Exchange program for better understanding and appreciation of German culture and Literature. 2001 Austrian Culture and Literature at JNU, Delhi, hosted by JNU, MSU Baroda and Austrian Embassy 2002 Swiss Culture, Economy and Literature, h
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