
Roopa Roopa

Roopa Roopa
QA at thraiking industrial co...
diploma electronics

Roopa Roopa ’s experience

QA   at   Thraiking industrial control , nelmangala
 Maintaining calibration status records of all testing
equipments.  Maintaining of all approved
drawing.  Responsible for the quality of raw material and
finished product.  Inspection of final finished
products.  Issuing Corrective action review and plan for
vendor by looking at sequence of production and thus
reducing the rejection.  Preparing final reports supporting
with inspection report and Formats as required by the
customer.  Involved in the documentation to satisfy ISO
9001:2000 Quality management procedures and familiar with
ISO procedures

Roopa Roopa ’s education

diploma [electronics],
MEI polytechnic [2000/July] , bangalore

Roopa Roopa ’s additional information

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