
Ravi J Khanchandani

Ravi J Khanchandani
Working as a Financial Analyst
B.Com Accounts
Banking/Financial Services/Broking

Ravi J Khanchandani ’s experience

Financial Analyst   at   Nomura Holdings India Pvt. Ltd. , Mumbai, INDIA
July 2006 – Currently Working
Industry: Banking/Financial Services/Broking
Functional area: Investment Banking
 Processing fixed income bonds, Physical securities & equities
(Cash Dividends, Coupons, Partial redemption, Physical coupons
&Final redemption).  Reconciliation of stock record
positions, ensure processing of revenue levels on bonds, physical
securities and equities. Help team in investment product and
delivery of customer relationship management. Oversee securities
transactions & funds transfers.  Reconciliation of positions
on the record date considering repo trades and interim trades, to
verify whether all the trades are correct or not.
 Interacting with clients, counter parties, depositories,
traders, pre & post settlement teams in case of queries regarding
positions, payments, receivables, trades not settled or
incorrectly settled, cleaning up of trades in case of final
redemption, reconciliation of Nostro A/c. and resolving clients
queries.  Reconciliation of breaks if any in the Nostro A/c
regarding the funds credited and debited but not
utilized.  Reconciliation of other breaks caused due to
incorrect positions, processing or incorrect funds received from
or paid to the client, resolving client’s queries received in
the group mail box.

Ravi J Khanchandani ’s education

B.Com [Accounts],
CHM College [March,2003] , Mumbai, INDIA

Ravi J Khanchandani ’s additional information

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