
Rashmi Warrier

Rashmi Warrier
PG Diploma Clinical Research

About Rashmi Warrier

Self starter with good interpersonal skills, and good writing and communication skills.
Confident, flexible and adaptable to a changing environment.
Willingness to work in a matrix environment and to value the importance of teamwork.
Focused and self motivated.
I have completed my BE in Biotechnology and a PG Diploma in Clinical Research Management.
I am a fresher and have no work experience.

Rashmi Warrier ’s experience

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Rashmi Warrier ’s education

PG Diploma [Clinical Research],
Clinical Research Education and Management Academy [August,2010] , Bangalore, INDIA
B.Tech/B.E. [Biotechnology],
New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore [June,2008] , Bangalore, INDIA

Rashmi Warrier ’s additional information

singing,reading,listening to music
Awards and achievements:
Participated and won 3rd prize in intercollegiate singing competition at Maharani’s college, Bangalore. Project work on “ Detection of Inborn Errors using Tandem Mass Spectrometry” at NIMHANS ,Bangalore for a period of 2 months.
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