
Rekha Arun Chaudhari

Rekha Arun Chaudhari
beauty/spa spa expert

About Rekha Arun Chaudhari

Ms Rekha Chaudhari is a leading SPA expert, professional in Beauty and Wellness industry. Her expertise lies in her strong base and profound experience in Ayurveda, Aesthetics and Cosmetology. Moreover she had operated her own Beauty Centers for over 20 years and has been consulting and outsourcing the leading Beauty Salon in the country. Her constant researches, observations and learning’s has made her understand the latest trends and know - how of the operating skills for Salons with changing time. Her expertise is already been covered in many of the India's leading Beauty and SPA magazines.
Her well-versed knowledge in Salons, SPA and beauty industry is reaching out to a number of people including the staff of Five Star hotels in India, as well as the premium Salons and SPA’s where she has been imparting on going training and teaching new techniques to keep pace with the upcoming trends. This customized training program directly contributes in elevating the product and services sale.
She holds internationally acclaimed certification along with intensive training and further advance training from France and Germany.

She is one of the pioneers in innovating and first lady in India to acquire a patent for her various therapies of SPA and Beauty industry. To name a few, her hat crowns with therapies like Geo Thermo therapy, Hand & Foot SPA which were unique in nature in India prior 2005. The Novel Rope Massage is soon to be launched shortly. In addition to this, she is on her way to develop technique efficient in providing relief from ‘Varicose Vein’, a breakthrough treatment in India.

Rekha Arun Chaudhari ’s experience

cheriman   at   jckrc@co , new bombay

Rekha Arun Chaudhari ’s education

beauty/spa [spa expert],
cidsco [2007/January] , bombay

Rekha Arun Chaudhari ’s additional information

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