
Amit Soam

Amit Soam
Senior Support Engineer

Amit Soam ’s experience

Senior Support Engineer   at   EMC Data Storage Systems India Pvt. Ltd. , Bangalore
Applies advanced systems level technical expertise to resolve
standard to complex systems level customer issues. Customer
issues may be received by Support Centers through automated
dial-homes, voice initiated technical calls from EMC Customers,
Customer Engineers, or remote maintenance calls and Web Support
Calls. Identifies and provides resolutions to a diverse range of
complex technical problems. Mentors others in providing validated
technical information, support process instructions and special
support requirements. Engineers provide problem determination and
resolution for customer issues. Develop and implement resolutions
to identified problems, and follows standard practices and
procedures. Identifies, records and works with management to
proactively revise current procedures and tools to improve
customer satisfaction. May need to engage or escalate to more
senior resources to resolve more complex issues.

Amit Soam ’s education

New Green Field Public School [2000/July] , New Delhi

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