
Siva Naresh Kappara

Siva Naresh Kappara
MBA student

About Siva Naresh Kappara

I have done my Bachlrs in Hotel management degree from Garden city college(Bangalore) and pursing MBA from ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL. I wish to expertise in the feild of HR.

Siva Naresh Kappara ’s experience

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Siva Naresh Kappara ’s education

Icfai Business School (IBS) - Bangalore [Currently,Studying] , Bangalore, INDIA
BHM [Front Office],
Garden City College, Bangalore, Karnataka [June,2008] , Bangalore, INDIA
Sri chaitanya jr. college [March,2004] , INDIA
Sai Teja public school [March,2001] , Ongole, INDIA

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