
Aditya Raghunath

Aditya Raghunath
B.Tech/B.E. Electrical

About Aditya Raghunath

I've currently planned to do my M.S from one of the top 20 universities in the U.S and have got a gre score of 1280. I've been working on two projects, one being the retro-fitting of a REVA electric car to convert it to a series-hybrid(PROJECT CHIMERA), and the other on Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems(MEMS). The CHIMERA team has participated in the BOSCH On-Track Event.

Aditya Raghunath ’s experience

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Aditya Raghunath ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Electrical],
RV College of Engineering [Currently,Studying] , Karnataka

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