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Virtualisation Engineer

Imtac LLC

My achievements
Training and mentoring a few people to become better engineers
Couple of years from now
Most probably in a Masters degree. I am a huge fan of computing technology and especially of power efficient solutions. My current goal is to move into designing and motivating power efficient solutions.
My strongest skill
The strongest has to be that I am a quick learner. And second would be motivation. The technology sector primarily and the world in general changes very fast. One has to constantly update himself/herself and to do that motivation is a big part. The third point would be willingness to take decisions and take risks. People never fail to underestimate this. Finally, a big attribute of every professional should be to pass on skills to others along with a healthy willingness to listen to everyone with an open mind. Sometimes even the most naive of ideas has the potential to teach something. Sorry if I went a bit philosophical on this.
Degree that I recommend
Several in fact. In today's market of datacenter designing there is nothing like a pure OS or Network or Virtualisation Engineer. Systems are designed to work together. But yes, in my specific field, with a narrow scope the VMware certifications are very important. VCP (VMware Certified Professional) and VCAP (VMware Certified Advanced Professional) levels are fairly easy to achieve. And if time and money permits certainly I would like to go for VCDX (VMware Certified Design Architect). I would also recommend at least entry level certifications in networking, storage - preferably NetApp or EMC (vendor specific) or SNIA - and some Windows/Linux certifications. This would beef up a CV and provide a huge advantage over peers. Also shows interest and at least basic expertise.
Ensuring success
I study a lot. At least 2 hours every day, after office, I spend with blogs, posts, articles and even books. At work also I try to think of multiple approaches to a design and pitch it up to co-workers and even customers to get their feedback which goes a long way in sharpening my views. As I mentioned earlier I like to keep somewhat on top of the current technology at least in virtualisation. But I also follow hardcore research gobbling up papers on cloud computing or optical communication to get a feel of the coming technology.
Influenced by
My parents and my wife. My mother who was a geography teacher and then acquired a postgraduate diploma in computer programming restarted her career at the age of 42 in finance eventually becoming extremely successful. My wife because the ways she influences my thinking especially when I am going through a rough patch. And like every male child my father has been a hero. He set examples in his life and career that I attempted to emulate. He had talks with me about his mistakes which prevented me from making the same ones.
Important lesson learned
It is extremely important to keep motivation high. Some times life will kick you very hard when you are not looking, it is during these times that we tend to loose our dreams and motivation. I watch inspirational movies or read about ordinary people who have ignored negativity and achieved something for themselves. I always keep the "Rocky" series handy for such times. You may also want to read about a 56 year old lady who finally went ahead and got her PhD.
Initiative to develop a country
Well a lot actually. But three are primary:
1. Look at our education system and see how we can help there. Frankly our education system is a mess and at best a good business option.
2. Change our mentality. Get rid of the ignorance that rules even the educated in India.
3. Finally, realise that IT in India is outward facing. There is very little business that contributes to the overall benefit of the Indian economy. A bigger problem is that the best and brightest of us are only interested in a fat salary from an MNC and relocation to the US. We might want to look at that huge talent pool and create ways to transform it into a manufacturing base.
My role model
As I said - "Rocky Balboa" - beyond all the boxing there is a lot of life stories there. But in real life I admire Swami Vivekananda, Netaji Subhash Bose and Sourav Ganguly. All three faced tremendous odds and yet always had their motivation sky high. They may not have achieved all they could or wanted but left behind beautiful examples to follow.
Important decision
I am not really very sure about this. Getting married probably has to top the list. But the second one would be leaving India. That was hard. However, till the time the situation in India improves I find no point in being there. And this editorial is probably a platform for people like us to affect change. However, professionally the biggest decision was in 2011. I was working with Support and I had an option of either continuing with support or moving off into designing. Both have their payoffs and their share of headaches. I enjoyed technical support till I was there - learnt a lot - best place to learn technology really and I love what I do now.
Brief description about me
I work as a virtualisation architect in the Gulf region. My background is in Electrical Engineering and I have some experience of designing data centers. Currently I am based out of Muscat, Oman.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
1. Talking straight
2. Clarity of thought
3. Listening with an open mind
4. Ability to adapt
5. Compassion and kindness
6. A desire to push harder
7. Most importantly knowing his/her along with his/her team's strengths and weaknesses - individually. Helps to shoot just right.
More about myself
Well one very important thing is that one has to believe in oneself and keep believing despite all odds. Trust in oneself goes a long way towards professional success.
My family background
My father is an IITian who ran his business out of Kolkata for 25 years and now works as an electro-mechanical consultant to major construction projects.
My mother is an executive in the financial sector.
My wife is a chemical engineer.
My second brother who is two years younger to me is an accountant who runs his own businesses.
My sister-in-law is a lawyer(Barrister).
My third brother is currently studying Mechanical Engineering in Kolkata.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Frankly, it is a mess. Not one higher educational institution in India ranks amongst the top 200 in the world. We look at education as a means to a job with an American company preferably in US. Our contribution to technology, science or anything else over the past 500 years or so has been negligible apart from a few sparks far in between. The first thing to do right now is to realise that despite popular self-belief in our immense intelligence we contribute nothing to nothing.
To improve the state of things the government has to take responsibility. The courage to take decisions has to be instilled in the young minds. And that has to happen at home too. The typical Indian antipathy to enterprise of any kind has to go. If this can be achieved then we are at least on the right track.
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