Indian-Origin Miss America Target of Racism on Social Media

Tuesday, 17 September 2013, 18:29 IST
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New Jersey: The crowning of the first Miss America of Indian origin sparked a racist reaction on social media today but 24-year-old Nina Davuluri played down the issue, saying she had to "rise above" such things.

On Twitter, some users uncharitably referred to Davuluri, the daughter of a gynaecologist who emigrated from India 30 years ago, as an Arab and a terrorist with ties to Al Qaeda.

A user with the handle @emi_adkins tweeted, "It's called Miss America. Get outta here New York you look like a terrorist."

Some like Luke Brasili sought to link Davuluri's win with the anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks in the US. "9/11 was 4 days ago and she gets Miss America?" he tweeted.

"Congratulations Al-Qaeda. Our Miss America is one of you," posted @Blayne_MkltRain.

Davuluri, who described her performance of a Bollywood-style dance at the Miss America pageant a victory for diversity in the US, appeared unfazed by racism.
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Source: PTI
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