Top US Diplomat: India-US Relations the Most Significant Partnership of the Century

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 28 April 2023, 18:05 IST
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Top US Diplomat: India-US Relations the Most Significant Partnership of the Century

India-US relationship holds a deep history of nearly 23 years, with ties strengthening critically, per the seamless scope of development for varied sectors in the democratic nations.                                                       

Rich Verma, a top diplomat from the Biden Administration, remarked that the India-US relationship is undoubtedly the most consequential one. The assertion was made during the India-US summit hosted by Congressional India Caucus’ Co-chair, Ro Khanna, where, Mr. Verma underlined the crucial role played by Indian Americans in nurturing this diplomacy.

Inconsiderate of the ups and downs that generally exist in the US-Indian relationship, the diplomacy extends to a history of about 23 years, tackling the rising challenges on an effective note.

The 54-year-old diplomat believes that the India-US partnership is critically a momentous relationship of the century, owing to India’s geo-political location in a tough neighborhood. He also underlined the apprehending scope of India to lead the world in every possible category in the future decades.

India has critically grown as one of the most popular countries with the world’s biggest middle-class population, an increased number of college graduates and internet users. Hence, it has risen as the third-largest economy globally and the third-largest military with a critical democracy, and thus, is soaring with seamless developments and industrialization in the arena. Alongside this, the migration of people from rural parts of India into the cities is also surging recently.

India is expanding its potential and achievements on an increased scale and is anticipated to soar furthermore in the future. Wherein, Mr. Verma confirmed the US’ interest to establish and grow as the closest partner of India. India has nailed the role of leadership in the world as a chair of the G20, paving critical contributions in the arena.

The major agenda of the relationship is the people-to-people ties between both nations. Mr. Verma stated that governments, businesses, people, students, and innovators between the nations are often interconnected, stating the need to support individuals and connections who shift from India to the US. Moreover, both countries are critically significant regions around the globe and two large and expanding democracies respectively.