Shamina Singh To Serve in Biden Administration

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 20 July 2023, 01:02 IST
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Shamina Singh  To Serve in Biden Administration

Shamina Singh, an Indian-American leader, will take up a position in the President's Export Council.

President Biden has shared his interest in appointing Shamina Singh, a prominent Indian-American business leader, to the President’s Export Council. The council serves as the principal national advisory committee on international trade. Singh, the founder and president of the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, shared her excitement over the nomination, referring to it as an extreme honor to be a part of the council. 

The panel’s key goal is to advise the president on government policies and programs that will impact US trade performance. It also promotes export expansion and is a forum to discuss and resolve trade-related issues among businesses, industries, agricultural, labor, and government sectors. Singh expressed her commitment to the people and economies in the US and all around the world to create long-lasting and inclusive prosperity.

She is currently serving as the executive vice president of sustainability at Mastercard and a member of the company’s management committee. With nearly 20 years of global experience in developing unique social impact models and leveraging public and private sector assets, she climbed up to the role of president, activating philanthropic dollars to advance inclusive growth and financial inclusion worldwide.

Singh narrates her experiences at Mastercard and her understanding of dialogues between public and private sectors that open bigger doors widely than several other approaches. Witnessing first-hand catalyst impact resulting from effective cross-sector partnerships, she aims to bring this very perspective to the council to serve the administration when elected, advancing America’s economic interests across the globe.

She has held senior positions in the White House and the US House of Representatives, alongside, serving as the Executive Director of the first President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific islanders. She also served as a chair for two years and a six-year term on the board of AmeriCorps in former president Barack Obama’s administration.

The 50-year-old business leader is currently serving as the co-chairperson of the Ad Council of America’s Advisory Committee on Public Issues. She is also serving on advisory boards of the Aspen Institute Civil Society Fellowship and the New York Department of Financial Services Innovation. Singh pursued her educational career at Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and the Indian School of Business. With various Indian Americans serving in notable positions in Biden’s administration, Singh has become the latest addition to the community, alongside 150+ Indian Americans.