PM Modi's and President Biden's Shared Vision for India-US

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 14 July 2023, 01:45 IST
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PM Modi's and President Biden's Shared Vision for India-US

Envoy Garcetti, when addressing the IUSSTF, stated that a shared vision of PM Modi and President Biden promises for the advanced growth of India and the US.          

Eric Garcetti, the United States Ambassador to India, has remarked on the successful relationship between India and the US, which has come a long way. Garcetti took part in the India-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Quantum Technologies Grant Launch, where he asserted that a joint vision of PM Modi and President Biden will likely make musing wonders in terms of quantum, AI, and technology.

India and the US have nurtured almost 60 joint ventures tackling climate change, cybersecurity, and several other rising sectors, strengthening their relationship for an established collaboration. Joining hands allows both countries to detect diseases and protect the citizens.

Garcetti stated that these enhanced technology innovations, promoted by efforts of India and the U.S., will play a crucial role in eradicating tuberculosis in India by 2025.  An AI (America and India)-driven future will critically transform the patterns of defending nations, war fighting capabilities, and communication patterns seamlessly. Both countries go way back in history for their diplomatic relationship to empower people economically and improve the social quality of their lives. Built on strong trust and deep friendship, almost 80-90 percent of people in India and the US have a positive attitude and trust in each other's nations. Garcetti added that nearly every Indian has begun migrating to America to pursue their education or career, denoting it as progress for both countries. 

The endowment fund (India-US Science and Technology Forum) has supported nearly 60 joint products, with 30 already grown into commercial ventures.