Modi to meet Tulsi Gabbard, first Hindu American in U.S. Congress

Thursday, 25 September 2014, 23:39 IST
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She was vocal in criticizing the arrest of Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade and said in a statement last December that she was "disappointed" when she found out about Khobragade's initial treatment by law enforcement officials and added that while foreign diplomats must uphold US law they are also entitled to dignified treatment.

Gabbard maintained that Khobragade's arrest should not come at the expense of such a vital partnership between the two nations.

She has also been forceful in opposing a U.S. House Resolution, 417, last year which condemned India's religious freedom record.

The resolution was widely condemned by the Indian and Hindu American communities as flawed and inaccurate.

Gabbard criticized the resolution, saying the "417 weakens, rather than strengthens, the friendship between the United States and India. The resolution runs counter to all the hard work that the American people, particularly those in the Indian American community, have done to improve the relationship."

"Throughout history, India as a nation has been home to many religions, and has protected many as well, including Tibetan Buddhists, Jews, Christians, and Muslims," she had said in a statement.

After Modi's victory in the April-May election, she issued a statement saying she looked forward to "working with Mr. Modi and other members of the Indian government toward our mutual goals of peace, stability, and economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region.

"A partnership between the world's two largest and greatest democracies is necessary for us to successfully address the many global challenges we face, including economic growth, bilateral trade, the environment, terrorism, and security."

Modi will be in the US from Sep 26-30, during which he will be in New York till Sep 29 afternoon.

Source: PTI