Indian Americans Voters Count Can Create Big Differences in Appointing Power

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 08 May 2023, 13:06 IST
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Indian Americans’ Voters Count Can Create Big Differences in Appointing Power

The Indian-American population in the US is more than a percent, whose voting count can make a huge difference in the presidential elections across various states of the US.       

The US presidential elections will be contested by November 2024. This has brought the Indian Americans in the US state into the limelight concerning the growing political, social, and economic influence. They comprise more than one percent of the total US individuals, and the registered voters of the same community extend to less than a percent.

The Indian-American population in the US state, generally, is increasingly concentrated in states like New York, New Jersey, California, and Texas, and is gaining critical significance in the closely-contested states. Similarly, this voting community also can be highlighted as decisive among swing states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. 

Though the increasing range of the Indian-American population in the arena has sided with Democrats often, the times are critically evolving since the previous elections, as both Democrats and Republicans are making valuable efforts in attracting the entire community. Be they campaigning, endorsing, or fundraising for the elections, both parties are advancing critically in attracting the citizens in the US state, including the Indian-American population.

President Biden has planned to bring together a new generation of diverse leadership, alongside experienced advisors who were his moral support in winning the 2020 election to the White House.

Meanwhile, a grassroots organization dedicated to education, advocacy, and mobilization of the South Asian community, South Asians for America (SAFA) has announced their support for President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. Neha Dewan, National Director of SAFA has expressed her interest in re-electing the Biden-Harris administration, thereby, advancing democratic values and strengthening the US democracy and the nation’s global alliances in an ever-changing landscape.

Major fundraisers of Biden’s administration also encompass Indian-Americans, where he has managed to raise nearly 100,000 USD for his 2020 campaign. A few prominent Indian-American community leaders and organizations in the US space include Ajay Bhutoria, Frank Islam, Raj Shah, Ramesh Kapoor, Indian-American Impact, Indiaspora, and Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Victory Fund.

Alike, Trump has won the favor of various Indian supporters, conducting events like Howdy Modi, and thereby, gathering the support and friendship of India since his administration period. His re-election campaign in 2020 launched four new coalitions like Indian Voices for Trump, Hindu Voices for Trump, Sikhs for Trump, and Muslim Voice for Trump, amassing support from these communities. A fierce Trump Supporter, Shalabh (a) Shalli Kumar has been appointed to the new Republican Hindu and Indian American coalition as the national chairman.