America Can Be India's Best Partner: Nisha Desai Biswal

Friday, 06 February 2015, 23:15 IST
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"We believe that the potential, which is a compelling one, in terms of how our industry can open up to the USD 40 billion worth of Indian civil nuclear power sector and bring electricity to 400 million people in India, who still have inadequate power access," she said.

Biswal said the India-US nuclear partnership would also bolster future energy security of India, by reducing its reliance on carbon intensive fuel sources.

Biswal said the US and India are committed to increase their bilateral trade five folds to match that of US and China.

Noting that it is not just India that would benefit from this increase in bilateral trade, she said the US too would benefit from this.

She said the bilateral investment treaty is in fundamental interest of the two countries.

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Source: PTI