Neel Kashkari Keen On California Governor Run

Monday, 03 February 2014, 23:34 IST
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Washington: Former Indian-American U.S. treasury official Neel Kashkari, a multimillionaire who oversaw the $ 700 billion bank bailout after the 2008 financial crisis, thinks he can unseat California's popular Democratic Governor Jerry Brown.

Kashkari, who lives in Laguna Beach in Orange County, previously worked for Goldman Sachs. Last year, Kashkari quit his job as an investment banking executive and began travelling across the state and mulling his run for governor, meeting with potential donors, community organizations and regular Californians.

"Clearly Governor Brown is a very powerful incumbent, but there are so many examples nationally of where very powerful incumbents lose," he said Friday citing said citing former President George W. Bush's victory over then Texan governor in 1994.

"Ann Richards was a wildly popular Democratic governor of Texas," the former assistant U.S. Treasury secretary, who is challenging Brown as a moderate Republican, told Buzzfeed, a website focusing on viral media currently, resonating on the web, in an interview.
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Source: IANS
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