Highest Paid Indian in LinkedIn

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 02 May 2012, 00:04 IST
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Bangalore: Dipchand "Deep" Nishar, Senior Vice President of Products and User Experience at LinkedIn, emerges as one among the top paid managers at LinkedIn. In the year 2010, his salary package was $230,000 and previous year it increased up to an amount of $282,500.Apart from this, the total compensation he received in the year 2011 was $3,905,250.

Deepak previously worked for Google, as the Senior Director of Product Management, handling product development in the Asia-Pacific region. He left the organization in the year 2008 and joined LinkedIn as the vice president of product strategy. On his appointment, Kay Luo, a spokesperson for the company said, “We wanted to find someone who knows how to build a large organization, but also has an entrepreneurial background,”

“LinkedIn continues to become more relevant as a communication and decision-making tool for professionals and businesses worldwide,” said Deep Nishar, while joining the firm. “I look forward to helping the innovation process at LinkedIn and bringing even more professional utility to LinkedIn members’’, reports LinkedIn.

Nishar holds 3 patents and was also honoured with the Google Founders Award for his work on the Google Ads System Automation. He received his graduation from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and Master's of Science in Electrical Engineering from University of Illinois.